Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas, New Year... all the same boring days... year after year... after year... I just can't fit in! Wanna know why? Because you're not here! And without you it doesn't make any sense at all! Should I wait 4 u? Are u waiting 4 me? Is this pain worthless? Why do I keep searching 4 u everywhere I go? Why do I sometimes feel you're so close I can even touch u? Why do sometimes I think I'm seeing you when I'm not? Are u 4 real? Why do I keep believing you're the one after all these years? Still, I do... I wait... I think about u... I love you... everyday... everynight... untill the end of times!
2 Comentários:
Às domingo, julho 30, 2006 7:58:00 da tarde ,
x4x_it disse...
Nota-se perfeitamente que já deves ter ido ver o The Lake House! lol
Às quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2006 7:58:00 da tarde ,
Nobody's Bitcho disse...
Entrei aqui por acaso e fui vendo o que já tinhas postado...
gostei do que vi. estás de parabéns ;)
Hugz ^^
P.S. - Desculpa a invasão :)
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